Fish suddenly rained from the sky, children were happy, but people are surprised

Fish suddenly rained from the sky, children were happy, but people are surprised

Nature has wrapped so many secrets in itself that it is not easy to know and understand all of them. May it be the charisma of nature, or may it be the havoc of nature from time to time. Surprises everyone. There are many cases in which experts along with common people gather to find out the reason, but no one is able to reach any conclusion. One such incident has remained a matter of surprise for people these days. When live fish started dripping from the sky.

The matter is of Lajmanu town in the northern part of Australia. Whoever heard about the incident of rain of fishes from the sky was stunned. On Tuesday, it rained with strong thunderstorms, and fish also started falling along with it. Many of them were alive, which surprised people all the more.

Ms. Facebook: Many of the fishes that rained from the sky remained alive, the children happily picked them up and imprisoned them in a jar.

fishes started raining from the sky
There was stormy rain in Lajmanu area on Tuesday. Due to which everyone started locking themselves in their homes. But when the rain stopped, fishes were found falling everywhere in the entire area. Which filled people with wonder. The area’s Central Desert Counselor Andrew Johnson Japanangka told about this incident – A big storm came towards the city. People were filled with the fear of heavy rain. But the very next moment people were stunned to see the rain of fishes from the sky. According to Queensland Museum ichthyologist Jeff Johnson, the recently fallen fish belonged to the Spangled Perch species.

Fishes are pulled from the rivers along with the tornado
When the fishes raining from the sky were seen closely, many of them were still alive, which filled people with surprise and concern. He kept catching these fish and filling them in bottles and jars. So that he can play with them. Regarding the incident, weather experts told that when a strong tornado comes, along with the water from the rivers, the fish are also pulled along with the storm. Then these fishes fall many kilometers away with the rain. Although the local people consider this incident to be a blessing from God, it is not a phenomenon unique to Lajmanu. A similar incident happened in 2020 in Yowah, another outlying city thousands of miles away. Even in 2010, the people of Lajmanu have faced fish raining from the sky.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, Australia, heavy rain, Good news, OMG News

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